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If you send me an email to [email protected] or to geoff.ku.edu

I will send you a box of the book
Winning Insurgent War

nice book, and free.

Geoff Demarest

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  • Irregular Warfare Annotated Bibliography
    The aim of this bibliography is to provide readers an offering of both a more traditional military perspective as well as perspectives from social scientists, including political scientists, sociologists, psychologists, and anthropologists studying similar phenomena. The following sources include general history and analysis related to each core task; operational or “how to” guides; and works discussing particular insurgencies.
  • Casebook on Insurgency and Revolutionary Warfare, Volume II 1962-2009
    This Casebook provides a summary of twenty-three insurgencies and revolutions; the goal of the book is to introduce the reader to modern-style irregular and unconventional warfare, as well as to act as an informational resource on these particular cases. While not trying to provide an in-depth analysis of any case, our intent was to provide enough background material and description of the revolution to allow comparisons and analysis of broader ideas and insights across this broad spectrum of cases.


  • Annotated Bibliography of SORO Publications
    This is the February 1968 version of the Special Operations Research Office’s annual Annotated Bibliography of SORO Products. The publications listed in this bibliography have been divided into three sections corresponding to the above areas of activity. The reader is advised to consult all sections and the indexes to make maximum use of the bibliography.
  • Case Study in Guerrilla War: Greece during World War II
    By D. M. Condit, Special Warfare Research Division, SPECIAL OPERATIONS RESEARCH OFFICE The American University, Washington D.C. operating under contract with The Department of the Army. 1961
  • Casebook on Insurgency and Revolutionary Warfare: 23 Summary Accounts
    Original Version referred to as Volume I by the ARIS project. Primary research responsibility Paul A. Jureidini, Norman A. La Charite, Bert H. Cooper, and William A. Lybrand. Special Operations Research Office The American University, Washington D.C., December 1962.
  • Human Factors Considerations of Undergrounds in Insurgencies
    Original Version. Primary research responsibility Andrew R. Molnar with research collaboration of: Jerry M. Tinker, and John D. LeNoir. SPECIAL OPERATIONS RESEARCH OFFICE, The American University, Washington, D. C. operating under contract with The Department of the Army. Research and writing completed: 1 December 1965.
  • Undergrounds in Insurgent, Revolutionary, and Resistance Warfare
    Original Version. Primary Research Responsibility Andrew R. Molnar with Research Collaboration of William A. Lybrand, Lorna Hahn, James L. Kirkman, and Peter B. Riddleberger of the SPECIAL OPERATIONS RESEARCH OFFICE, The American University Washington D.C. 20016, November 1963